WILDFIT® 90 Days Challenge

“Lost 8kgs, increase in energy, glowing skin, reduction in pain and stiffness, and snoring disappeared!”

“Each week I noticed subtle changes in my body and was surprised how much my attitude to what and how I ate improved.  Not only did I lose 8kg, but I experienced lots of other unexpected bonuses, like an increase in energy, a reduction in pain and stiffness, my snoring disappeared and my skin glowed.  I felt better than I had in a long time and friends commented on how much younger I looked.  I really believe in the WILDFIT program and can’t recommend Marianne’s passion and coaching skills highly enough.”

- Nicole C.

“Discovered FASHION FREEDOM alongside FOOD FREEDOM!”

“I know we are all striving for FOOD FREEDOM but today as I’m packing I’ve discovered something ,(I know you will all relate) …………FASHION FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!! I’ve packed short sleeves, fitted tops and even some bikinis!!!!!! 👙👙💪💪 best 90 days ever spent !!!!!!

I was looking through some holiday photos from just before I started my WILDFIT journey 3 1/2 months ago . Best investment I ever made . How lucky I was to have had Marianne Lewis come into my life and support me 💯 . No turning back 🙌🙌🙌”

- Jodie S

“WILDFIT® Program helped re-wire my mind around food choices. Every participant was well supported by the coach.”

“WILDFIT is a comprehensive and insightful program which helped re-educate my attitudes towards and behaviors around food choices.  My coach, Marianne, was enthusiastic, helpful and always available to help each individual talk through their issues in an effort to achieve their program goals.  She went way beyond what I expected, and led by example, joining us in our journey every step of the way.”

- Amanda L

“Eating the WILDFIT® way accelerated the healing of my broken leg!”

“I broke my leg not long before starting the program and wasn’t able to get out of the house for a while, so I was worried I wouldn’t be able to follow the program in the early weeks, but I needn’t have worried as changes are introduced incrementally which gave me ample opportunity to get organised and mentally prepared. Not only did I find the program pretty easy to follow and adopt, but I really believe that eating the WILDFIT way probably accelerated my healing which made it possible to get back into regular exercise earlier than expected. I reached my goal weight and was delighted with some other positive outcomes including a reduction in visceral fat around my organs which was a wonderful and unexpected health benefit.”

- Nicole N.

“With Marianne, it’s like finding a new friend that you could trust and confide your health struggles and doubts and she would be there to guide you to a healthier, fitter you.”

“When I first heard about WILDFIT I went online and looked for a coach based in Australia. For some reason, Marianne's profile stood out for me, maybe it's her smile. I contacted her, we spoke and I immediately decided to sign up with her.

Marianne really helped me in my 90-day journey and we are in touch even after the program. She is encouraging and inspirational very knowledgeable and really walks the talk. She really guided me, answering all my questions and sharing her own journey. With Marianne, it’s like finding a new friend that you could trust and confide your health struggles and doubts and she would be there to guide you to a healthier, fitter you.

I would recommend Marianne to all my friends and anyone who would like to embark on a health program.”

— Lynn T

“It has been about feeling better, which I definitely am, with releasing weight being a byproduct. ”

"The WILDFIT® programme has been life changing. I’ve struggled with being overweight for most of my adult life and have been a chronic dieter. Now in my late 50s I was becoming concerned about my older life.

The programme is about so much more than weight, in fact that hasn’t been my primary focus, it has been about feeling better, which I definitely am, with releasing weight being a byproduct. I’m so pleased I’ve been on this journey. At times it has been a challenge and I haven’t been perfect. I can absolutely recommend the WILDFIT® programme to anyone wanting to learn and have better health, and I can’t thank Marianne enough for her invaluable support and commitment the whole way through and beyond."

- Clarec Cammeray

“Lost 24 lbs of old fat with its toxin. Gained much needed energy to keep up with my toddler. Lost the food industry's grip on me. Gained power over my food choices

"The best investment I made ✨ in 2023. Graduated yesterday from the 90 day #WILDFIT challenge. Immensely proud of my self and my teammates ❤️

My biggest WHY was my son and growing family. Longevity and optimal health to live my life to the fullest. This, to me, is the best expression of SELF LOVE.

Lost 24 lbs of old fat with its toxins that I did not need. Lost the food industry's grip on me. Gained power over my food choices. Knowledge is definitely power. Now I make informed decisions on how I fuel my body.

Gained bone and muscle mass. Gained much needed energy to keep up with my toddler These changes are truly more than just skin deep. I've never felt more present and alive as I feel now. 🥰

Thank you to my coach Marianne Lewis and my husband Loui De Belen for the support and encouragement. 🤗”

- Abby V

Marianne Lewis is a passionate, well-informed, and extremely supportive coach who is highly skilled at helping each person gain the maximum benefits possible from WILDFIT®.

“I am really impressed with Wildfit and quite surprised how different it is to many other programs and techniques I have tried in the past for weight management and wellness. I've struggled with my weight since I was a child and I have tried all the well known weight loss programs multiple times plus I have used weight management medication, hypnotherapy and even had bariatric surgery, all of which have delivered some success but never really sustainable.

Wildfit is different, it educates you and supports you to introduce amendments to both the types of foods you consume and the way you think and feel about them. It definitely promotes a world of food freedom where cravings are minimalised and there is no sense of missing out. I've not only experienced a significant release of weight, I have more energy, sleep really well every night, have noticed less aches, pains and other health problems and my skin feels amazing! Other people have started commenting on how well I look too which is another great feel good factor. I was initially cautious about signing up as I have a very busy personal and work life with limited free time. In hindsight, this was the best decision ever as it has afforded me the energy and presence of mind to manage everything without feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

At the beginning of the challenge I set out to change my relationship with food and now after completing 13 weeks of the program I feel much more confident and equipped to manage my own wellness journey and be in control of what I choose to eat and why. Marianne Lewis is a passionate, well informed and extremely supportive coach who is highly skilled at helping each person to gain the maximum benefits possible from Wildfit. Thank you Marianne for encouraging me to sign up, I am very grateful 💜 “

- Liza Christensen

I have released not only all of my pregnancy weight but more making it to my goal weight, my energy has sky rocketed even whilst keeping up with a VERY active growing baby boy and my outlook on what to fuel my body with has been altered permanently. .

“What a program and What a coach!! I started the WILDFIT program 5 weeks postpartum navigating a whole new world with a body I barely recognised. With a history of 'going too hard to early I was determined to get back to my old self with limited physical setbacks and wanting to give my body the time to really heal after growing and birthing a small human. What better way to do that then a food based program! 

The layout of WILDFIT worked great into my daily routine with having a newborn and to have the amazing community energy created by Marianne I felt motivated and supported the entire 90 days. To have a team to celebrate everyone's wins, bounce off recipes and keep you accountable was THE BEST! 

My results from WILDFIT have astounded me! I have released not only all of my pregnancy weight but more making it to my goal weight, my energy has sky rocketed even whilst keeping up with a VERY active growing baby boy and my outlook on what to fuel my body with has been altered permanently. These 90 days has armed me with knowledge and practices that have greatly improved my life and wellbeing. 

I can't thank Marianne enough for providing so my support in such a turbulent time of learning how to be a mum and the program for showing me how to be the best version of myself for my son the emulate. 

Now to continue the journey to optimum health!”

- Ally

I was concerned about the implications of an overseas holiday towards the end of the challenge. Everything stayed on track and I returned having released more weight!  WILDFIT® was so doable.

Dear Marianne,

A massive thank you for all your encouragement, expertise and support over the past 90 days of the Wildfit Challenge.

When I started the 90 Day Challenge I have to admit it was with some scepticism as, like so many, I had tried just about every diet and was in the typical yo yo scenario of losing some weight and then putting it and more back on.  This time my aims were more holistic.  I was more concerned about overall health and wellbeing and getting rid of inflammation that was so necessary to manage my autoimmune condition.  The overall goal was to give myself the best opportunity to age well in my seventies.

I can happily say that the whole process has been totally transformative.  When we commenced I was wary of the “psychobabble”, as I called it, but I have come to understand how absolutely fundamental the psychology and self talk have been to the whole program.  I have also learnt so much more than I would have expected.  I felt pretty well educated around foods and health, but I have gained so much more knowledge and also self understanding.  I have learnt that for me it is not about cravings for certain foods, per se, but that I most definitely was not drinking enough water and have learnt that a major problem was lack of planning and prior preparation.  Now everything is planned and ready so there is no need to even think about poor choices.  The Food Devil seems to have vanished and the Food Angel is the default.

I have loved the gradual nature of the challenge.  It was not an all or nothing approach from the start.  This meant the enhancements were very easy to adopt.  Also, the emphasis on the fact that the Wildfit Challenge is not a diet suited my mindset.  From the start it was a lifestyle change that I wanted to adopt going forward.

I was concerned about the implications of an overseas holiday towards the end of the challenge, but I returned with so much more confidence about how to live Wildfit.  It was not a question whether I should or shouldn’t have anything.  I made very conscious choices, some not Wildfit approved, but always with a plan of how I would deal with those choices.  Everything stayed on track and I returned having released more weight!  It was so doable.

Having a coach has also been invaluable and I would highly recommend that support. You have offered enormous encouragement and have given our group a huge amount of information, recommendations and recipes to help us along the way.  You walked every step of the way with us and I have appreciated it all.  It has been great to see your enthusiasm and care on our behalf.  

I really am so happy to have had the opportunity to do the challenge and am looking forward to living WIldfit into the future.  It does require commitment, but from the start I was determined to attend as many Zoom meetings as possible with our group, to watch all videos and to make the time to really work at making the changes I needed to make.  I was told to trust the process and I concur with that recommendation……just do as you are asked to the letter and all will be well.  It is!

So at the end of the beginning, as you call it, I am confidently off on my training wheels as I start to live WIldfit.   For the first time in my life I feel I have the tools to really manage my relationship with food as part of my lifestyle and there is no need for any of the old excuses.

I am feeling really great.  I have so much more energy, am sleeping well, all my aches and pains have gone and I have released 10kg in weight.  I am so enjoying my clothes fitting again and the compliments I am receiving about how will I look!

Once again, my sincerest thanks especially to you and to Eric and the Wildfit team.

Warmest regards.

- Ann Smith

The next WILDFIT 90-Day challenge starts February 10, 2025

If you want to make 2025 the year when you finally focus on your health and well being, feeling and looking at least 10 years younger, with increased energy, glowing skin, reduced pain, a stronger immune system, and a rewired mindset around food, reach out now! No prep needed to start the challenge.